1. Get phone holder for the car.
Lately I have found myself using my phone for navigation more and more. It is more convenient as it is always with me so I do not have to think if I packed a GPS with me. Also it is easy to look up an address and then map it right after, while on the GPS it was very hard to find an address and took awhile to enter one from scratch. I think another big reason for me to use my phone, is that my Garmin has become outdated. I have had it for around 5 years now. And while I have updated the maps several times, it has become slow, or at least seems slow compared to today's speeds. Currently, I have the phone on the dashboard, which is not optimal location. So it might be time to make a switch fully and get a windshield dashboard car mount phone holder
What do you think? Should I make the switch over to phone or stick with GPS?
2. FitBit
I have been looking to be more fit for awhile. I have certain goals in mind. Though lately those seem quite far fetched and might need to be adjusted. I am not new to the gym, but I also have not been a regular due to renovations, working long hours, and many other excuses. I have used a site FitDay.com, that is food and exercise log that helped me understand the contents of some of the foods I have been eating. Which helped me to establish a better daily diet.
This is all good and well, but I have not been able to make more progress lately. Especially after I took a hiatus from playing ice hockey. So I have been thinking of getting the Fitbit One Wireless
Have you tried FitBit? Or maybe something similar. Did it work? Did you find it helpful?
3. Foldable bike
When we moved into our new place, I had to sell my mountain bike. It was large, heavy, and did not fit well anywhere. It was a great bike and I had it for quite a few years. I still want to have a bike and the compromise is a foldable bike. While looking for one, I discovered there are actually full size foldable mountain bikes. I am considering purchasing this one - Shimano Folding Mountain Bike
Too good to be true or a good ride option?
4. Rechargeable Power Pack - reserve power for all our portable electronic devices. This can even keep a laptop going if you get caught short without a power supply. With the latest storms and more coming we need one. And it also would be great for traveling when you are stranded because of the storm that passed days before and with the roads closed as we experienced last year. Here is the post regarding our little detour adventure: Two sides to every gadget. The power pack, such as Trent iCarrier 12000mAh Recharable Pack
5. Travel to warm places have not been to before (with gadgets:)
We love our trips around the country where we get to sight see, experience different regions and B&Bs around us, as well as sample many varieties of wine. Though once a year we like to get away from it all and go south to an all-inclusive resort. Where you do not need to carry anything around except for a room key. We have visited our favorite destination, Dominican Republic, several times. A default when we can't find anything else that is available and at good price. Next year we will be trying a new place, be it Jamaica or a destination in South America.
What are your travel or gadget resolutions for the new year? Let us know below
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