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Mar 2, 2010

White is the color of life

This one is not about a gadget, its a thought that came across last weekend:

White is the color of life

This makes a lot of sense. Some might have known about this before, though for me today was the big discovery. We were white colors on warmer days. Those are also the days when a lot of things in nature bloom or come alive.

White it the color of snow. When it covers the ground in areas where there is usually no snow at other times, it brightens up the atmosphere around it. In the winter time when skies look gloomy with clouds, snowfall clears it up creating a better view and also a better mood. (unless of course you live in a large city where the snow turns dark and dirty with traffic, though still looks great in the first few minutes)

White color represents cleanliness. And also purity. It is the color worn during great occasion quite a few of them that are life changing.

In ancient Egypt, the color white (hedj and shesep) suggested omnipotence and purity. Due to its lack of color white was also the color of simple and sacred things. The name of the holy city of Memphis meant "White Walls." White sandals were worn at holy ceremonies. White was also the heraldic color of Upper Egypt. The "Nefer", the crown of Upper Egypt was white, even though originally it was made of green reeds.

In the movie Bruce Almighty, the producers chose white color to represent the higher power in all white. There is also the White House. The residence for the most powerful president in the world. And though I mentioned this post is not particularly about a gadget, interesting enough products made by Apple for the most part have started in color white. They look clean new and sparkling. Wonder why they decided to go with that color in particular. If anyone has other ideas or knows more of the answers to this please comment.

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