Concept gadgets these days go from research and development and cool pictures to those you can hold in your hands within months. A lot of these gadgets make our lives simpler, (or some more complex) more organized entertaining, and, to be debated, more social. The following gadgets on the horizon do all of the above and more for traveling.
iWatch Concept Gadget Could Be The Mini iPhone
- I will put it right out there, I want one of these. I used to where a watch all the time. I got a very nice one as a graduation present for myself. It lasted for a long time. It is still around. But has been replaced for time telling by the phone. As good as the watch was and as much as I liked it, it hurt top of my hand to wear. And phone just became more convenient since it performs more than one function. With the iWatch, I can have best of both worlds. Conveniently located time piece that i don't have to dig around my pants to see the time and a multi-function gadget.
Powerbreather Next Generation Snorkel
- Too bad this one not out yet. I could definitely use one of these on vacation coming up where we are planning on going snorkeling. Last time I did that, I got a broken tube. And swallowed quite a bit of salt water.
Scrubba Your Clothes with This Washing Machine In a Bag
Traveling anywhere long term or with kids? You can right away see the benefits of this cool travel gadget. Seems a bit too good to be true, though the concept is simple enough that it could work...
In & Out Toothbrush Sterilizer
- I would not call myself OCD, though I do like things such as my toothbrush clean. Previously I got a anti-bacterial travel toothbrush(LINK). It worked great. Though not sure how it managed through getting tossed around the bag and such. This one looks very similar but with addition of some cool technology to keep the tool to keep you clean clean. It plugs into an USB outlet and charges up the sterilizing technology. So while you are sending that picture email of your travel home, you will have a nice and clean toothbrush to use once done.
- the future of portable media devices. It might be the next iPad or
Kindle or whatever brand comes up how to utilize this cool
portable and convenient design
Flexible Speaker
- Music makes travel better. I just wrote a post about Travel-friendly music gadgets and this would be a great addition. These speakers are small enough to fit into a pocket as they fold flat. They look like origami. And the more you unfold them, the more sound will be coming out.
One Card
- That is a great concept. Credit cards already replace large wads of cash in the wallet, creating less weight in your pockets or bag. However, these too, have multiplied exponentially for some folks. One Card, a digital credit card, would replace all of the plastic ones. It stores information of all the various cards on a chip and you can sort through the digital version to pick out the one to use.
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