Travel News Gadgets Related - September 2019
Uber unveils new skyport designs for Uber Air
The SIX is the best travel luggage ever designed… and it doesn’t have any tech inside
Tesla’s Sentry Mode
The Garmin Overlander
Most GPS units are built to keep you on the road. The Garmin Overlander is built to keep you on the track off of it.
Overlander can easily switch from turn-by-turn directions for on-road navigation to topography maps for off-grid guidance in North and South America.
Paris may offer flying taxis to 2024 Olympics guests
American Airlines now offers satellite-based Wi-Fi access
American is updating the internet connection across its fleet of over 700 planes. Previously, these planes were using ground-based systems, which is quite limited in its reach with no access on long flights or over the oceans. With satellite systems have the advantage of offering a larger coverage area, including over oceans, and more consistent connectivity. These new satellite-based systems also allow for significantly faster connections.
New Airbus planes have high-tech sensors that track your bathroom use
Virgin Galactic unveils luxury lounge at its airport for space tourism
Lightyear One
Lightyear is the car that runs on battery and charges via electricity or the sun. The roof and hood are covered with solar panels. This is a genius idea that, while has been used in solar concept car competitions, has not been used in the mainstream. Using the solar panels, the car charges itself whenever it absorbs sunlight.
Through fast charging, you can charge up to 354 mph worth of energy within an hour and with a simple 230V outlet, it’s even possible to charge up to 217 mph worth of energy overnight.
Toyota Is Testing A New Solar-Powered Prius
Another car, this time from a larger manufacturer, that will use up the real estate of the roof to power the vehicle. Roofs are great for protecting drivers and occupants from elements and also provide better wind resistance. However, they have been underutilized otherwise. And now with solar power becoming more available and cheaper, the roofs can also provide an extra boost to the car's battery.
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An autonomous robot EV charger is coming to San Francisco
lectric-vehicle chargers today are designed for human drivers. Electrify America and San Francisco-based startup Stable are preparing for the day when humans are no longer behind the wheel
Google's Waymo Asked People To Test Its Semi-Autonomous Car Tech. What Happened Next Will Not Surprise You
This is exactly why we, as humans, cannot have nice things. We don't pay attention and do the opposite of the ask
Autonomous ships are coming, and we’re not ready for them
Autonomous ships offer a number of advantages over human-driven vessels, not least of which is a promise of improved safety.
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