Apple is working on iPhone being able to replace passports, driver's licenses, and other physical forms of identification. It is working on a secure app and storage for these documents
The Consumer Electronics Show 2020
& best upcoming travel tech gadgets
WALL-E world is coming closer to reality. Segway introduced its newest product, S-Pod, that has a lot of resemblance to the hoverchairs from Disney's movie.
Amazon has a marketplace, a cloud computing server business, and at home digital devices. And while it had some portable gadgets, such as the Amazon Tap, it has now released brand new portable gadgets.
Travel Video of the Month -
5 Travel Gadgets That Travelers WILL LOVE!
In this video, there are newest innovations and inventions in technology and a lot of these are great for travel.
The paddles are an innovation on the regular ones. They provide light in the water while stand up paddling without a need for a flashlight. It has a built-in light-up strip that keeps the battery charged. The water bottles come with Bluetooth speakers and touchscreen. And has the capacity to charge your phone and keep your stash.